Well this is Ashers 3rd year of seeing Santa... im seeing a trend develop. :) Looks like the only time he wasnt scared of the big stranger in the red suit when when he was oblivious. lol, at least he liked the candy cane!
Halloween was a blast! We went trick or treating with the cousins, they were so cute, then we went to grandma and grandpas house for fun party! When we were trick or treating if asher could pick up a pumpkin on the porch he would say "ashers pumpkin" and steal it! I caught him in the act a few times, it was pretty funny! Also ash got sidetracked for a while with grandmas slot machine... should i be worried? ;) Ash was a monkey, bri was a bum with a sign that said "so hungry will eat you for food," and i was a pumpkin (the green hair is my stem lol!) Fun night!
We went out to black island farms, its one of our favorite traditions! Ash actually loved wearing his halloween costume there! We first played around on the tires (brian was showin ash how it was done :) then we played on the hay bail slides, went through the haunted house, got lost in the corn maze, and ate hot coca and kettle corn! it was a blast, we loved it!
We went to my mom and dads house to eat dinner and carve pumpkins! Ash did not like getting his hands dirty so he decided to draw on his pumpkin instead! :) We took pictures on the porch after and ash had to be in every single one lol! it was lots of fun!
Ash loved playin in the leaves! He would run and jump then bury himself and throw them everywhere! After he was done he had to fish some out of his pants lol! So cute!
My mom and I have been putting together patterns and making these cute decorations that you hang on the outside of your door for the past year. I love doing it and have one for every month of the year! I have had a lot of people interested in buying them from me so i decided to sell them! :) If you're interested in these totally cute door greeters, place an order below by leaving a comment with your name and contact info and ill contact you. Thanks!