Sunday, March 29, 2009

Asher last outing for a bit...

We decided to take Asher on a last fun outing before he gets his tonsils out, so we went to the park and fed the ducks, then we went to Chucky Cheeses!

Just like his Daddy!

Asher would take a bite of bread first, then throw the rest to the ducks!

Ashers new buddie Mr. Chucky Cheese... or as Ash calls him, Mickey Mouse! :)

As you can tell we are SUPER EXCITED!

Carefully putting parmesian cheese on his pizza.

Sweet jeep safari!

We won a ball and a sweet blue straw! So much fun!


Anonymous said...

So fun! He is getting so big. Good luck on the tonsils.

Unknown said...

OMG! Chucky Cheese!!!!!! I can't wait to go there :D